onsdag 30 mars 2016

My online prescence

So here's a huge list on places where you can find me, sorted so you easily can find what you're looking for

Social media where you can follow me:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lambidy
Deviantart: http://lambidy.deviantart.com/
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/lambidy
CGSociety: http://lambidy.cgsociety.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lambidy/
Tumblr: http://artofjulialambidy.tumblr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JuliaLambidy

Shops where you can buy of my works:
Society6: https://society6.com/lambidy
Hästlycka: http://hastlycka.se/medlemmar/julialundgren

Galleries where you can see my art and upcoming exhibitions:
Konstagenten: http://konstagenten.se/konstnar/julialundgren/
Gallerinet: http://www.gallerinet.se/galleri/2264
Teckna: http://teckna.ning.com/profile/lambidy

My own websites:
My portfolio: http://www.julialundgren.se
My old portfolio: http://www.julialundgren.se/oldportfolio/

Work related, where you find my CV etc:
LinkedIn: https://se.linkedin.com/pub/julia-lundgren/89/708/169
Monster: http://beknown.com/julialundgren

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